Verilog ponderings Monday, 07 February 2005  
A relative infrequent request in CRiSP land is support for Emacs Verilog mode.

This is an interesting piece of work because its a kind of templating, but unlike the other types of templates in CRiSP, it is based on the buffer you are editing - you put keywords in the code (inside comments) and it can be used to replicate redundant grammatical information.

One of the things that is unclear is that Verilog, like VHDL, is designed for engineers, and they are both unforgiving languages, using strange constructs to represent natural parallelism.

I have look at this Emacs mode in the past and given up on it for a number of reasons: not understanding it, because I am not a Verilog user it is difficult to support and maintain, because the original Emacs code is GPL'ed. (I have nothing against GPL licenses but they are in another world when looking at commercial software).

I decided to bite the bullet again and look to understand this, and am now making headway into its implementation and what it does. Like all good macros, it is based on magic ... until you understand what it actually does and then you realise it is based on a series of tricks (that is not to undermine it in anyway). Once you understand the tricks, e.g. partial parsing of the code, then its a lot easier.

Most 'clever' algorithms are like this - complex until you understand them.

Posted at 16:35:09 by Paul Fox | Permalink
  Solaris 10 Sunday, 06 February 2005  
So, Solaris 10 is with us...

I might get to try it out one day if I didnt have to register with the Sun site for the billionth time in the last ten years.

Why on earth such a technology savvy company cannot figure out who you are without me having to remember yet another darn silly login.

I suspect Sun are aiming for more registrations than people on earth.

Oh well, maybe I'll try Solaris 11...

Posted at 15:53:58 by Paul Fox | Permalink
  End to spammers? Sunday, 06 February 2005  
Heres an idea about how to end spamming and unsolicited advertising.

Grab yourself a mobile or an answering machine and reister with your companies equivalent of an 0900 number (you know, the ones where you pay $1 or 1 GBP or more minute).

Now sign up on as many web sites as you can with that number.

Now when cold calls come thru, YOU get paid and you employ delaying tactics to stop the callers.

Summary: End of cold calling...and you are rich...

Have a nice day

Posted at 15:52:13 by Paul Fox | Permalink