What is Nepomuk ? What is Soprano ? Sunday, 02 May 2010  
Heaven knows what they are - but they are hogs on my laptop. A quick "kill -9" and my laptops sanity is restored.

nepomuk - a good name to search in google, but google only tells me about updates and not what it is. From wikipedia:

NEPOMUK (Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge) is an open-source software specification that is concerned with the development of a Social Semantic Desktop that enriches and interconnects data from different desktop applications using semantic metadata  stored as RDF

Yeah. Right. Kill -9 to you. My translation of the above is "We are so clever, we are not going to have any meaningful name to describe what we do, or why we do it, but we dont care about your machine, so we will fill it with applications which dont do anything except keep my hands warm".

"Keep my hands warm": because my HD is spinning, and my cpu is overheating.

Ditto for Soprano. Why do I have to find out what it does. "Social networking". This is my "work" machine - I can go to facebook or twitter on any browser or my other devices.

Why does Ubuntu insist on launching this stuff when I dont know what it is, didnt ask for it to be installed.

That is a downward path for Ubuntu to do that.

Posted at 17:48:34 by Paul Fox | Permalink
  Ubuntu 10.04 DELL suspend problems Saturday, 01 May 2010  
Just upgraded my laptop (Vostro 1720) to the latest Ubuntu release.


Well, it works, mostly. Wifi and suspend are problems. Fortunately my Ubuntu 9.x hack works for 10.04. This is what I do for startup - either after reboot, or after a suspend:

        /etc/init.d/network-manager stop
        root modprobe b43
        root modprobe wl
        root /etc/init.d/network-manager  stop
        root iwconfig eth1 essid linksys channel $chan key $key
        root ifconfig eth1 $ipaddr broadcast $broadcast netmask $netmask

"root" is the equivalent of "sudo root" but without passwords. Adapt as you may want.

I just dont understand why Linux systems are full of so much stuff that a simple one-liner would/can replace.

I have an nvidia card (not by choice - i dont like graphics cards, they are a source of headache, and I dont play games). Which seems to fubar the suspend.

Whereas before, "pm-suspend" would suspend the laptop, it no longer works. Thanks Linux, Ubuntu, Nvidia and all the other people who think change for the sake of change is the way forward. Note: it isnt.

Heres my code to suspend to ram

  	root chvt 1
        sleep 1
        root swsusp2 mem
        root chvt 7

swsusp2 is a C program. I originally wanted to write my own suspender to handle the myriad of systems I have where swsusp doesnt work. It doesnt do much that shell couldnt do, but heres the source in case anyone wants it.

# include <stdio.h>
# include <fcntl.h>

static char *devs[] = { "/sys/power/state", "/proc/acpi/sleep", NULL };

static int do_dev(char *dev, char *cmd) { int fd;

fd = open(dev, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror(dev); return 0; } printf("Opened: %s\n", dev); sync();

/***********************************************/ /* S3 -- suspend to RAM */ /* S4 -- suspend to DISK */ /***********************************************/ if (write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != strlen(cmd)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot write: '%s'\n", dev, cmd); perror("write"); return 0; } close(fd); return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *type = "3"; int fd; int i;

if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "disk") == 0) { type = "4"; argc--, argv++; } if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "mem") == 0) { type = "mem"; argc--, argv++; } sync(); for (i = 0; devs[i]; i++) { if (do_dev(devs[i], type)) break; }


sync(); /***********************************************/ /* Restore lcd. */ /***********************************************/ fd = open("/proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/state", O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("/proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/state"); exit(1); } if (write(fd, "0x80000001\n", 11) != 11) { perror("writing to LCD/state\n"); } close(fd); sync(); sleep(1); exit(0); }

Posted at 22:39:57 by Paul Fox | Permalink